the enactment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the United
Nations in September 2015, the international movement towards a
sustainable society has achieved increased momentum. In Europe, with
the backing of Environment, Society and Governance (ESG) investments,
there has been an acceleration of the applications of renewable
bioresources based on the bioeconomy. In addition, in Japan, the
development and dissemination of technologies supporting sustainability
have been promoted under ¡°carbon neutrality¡± declared by Prime Minister
Suga in 2020.
these backgrounds, this webinar will illustrate the multifaceted
analysis of "biopolymer・Urushi
(natural lacquer)", whose research has been accelerated as a
sustainable material recently, and introduce the characterization for
industrial use.
seminar will be held on the web. You can participate not only from your
PC, but also from your smartphone or tablet, as long as you have access
to the web. We look forward to your participation.